Doc’s Barbeque: a Front Page Meal
Have you ever seen newspaper editor Brad Warthen put a biker in a headlock for a cup of banana pudding? Or semi-retired columnist Lee Bandy arm-wrestle an Eagle Scout for a piece of fried okra? Or writer John Monk shoot a man for ‘eyein’ his catfish fritters?’
Well, neither have I. (Except for the John Monk part. Long story.) But if you’re ever gonna see those things, it’ll probably be at Doc’s Barbeque & Southern Buffet. Out on
This buffet bar has the goods – “sweet blend” mustard-based pulled pork, pepper-vinegar pulled pork, mac and cheese, potato salad, collard greens, and cole slaw – along with a ton of extras you might not find at just any old ‘cue joint: like Doc’s spicy, mouthwatering fried catfish nuggets and its famous “chocolate cobbler.” Or, as a co-worker calls it, “chocolate meatloaf.”
Trae McCarthy (pictured) and his crew serve up the goods from 10:30- 3:00 PM on weekdays, and on days of games at nearby Williams-Brice Stadium. And from what I’ve seen, Doc’s always packs the house.
It’s worth mentioning that Doc’s also has Diet Dr. Pepper on their soda fountain. Which is good, because they serve what may be the spiciest hash in town. What’s the secret ingredient? Sources say it’s either Cindi Ross Scoppe’s latest editorial ground into a fine powder, or the ashes of N.G. Gonzales.
Either way, next time you get a weekday (or gameday) craving for good barbecue, great sides and a whole slew of cole slaw, cruise on down to
This place is worth a drive.
Thanks for the tip, Dave!
I am sure Shuler's is a fine place for a plate of delicious southern bbq delight.
... but did you happen to scroll to the bottom of the site posted above and see the photo of K.C., the regular customer? Don't interupt this man when he eats bbq! Hilarious!
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