Rich folks from Charleston soon may finally have a voice in South Carolina government. That’s right… the days of the Lowcountry being virtually unrepresented in the State House may be coming to an end.
I know this because when Gervais was searching the State Ethics Commission’s super new online disclosure website, I discovered that Charleston County is getting a lot more involved in funding primary campaigns around the state.
Not all of Charleston, of course. Actually, it’s pretty much just five guys and their ol’ ladies. But it’s a start.
The queer thing is that even though Charleston is an indisputable melting pot of diverse political opinion, these five guys were pretty consistent with one another as far as how much money they gave, when they gave, and to whom they gave:
Senate Candidate Lee Bright, Spartanburg
William Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
Ruth Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
John Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Mary Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Chad Walldorf, Sullivans Island $500
Bill Hewitt, Charleston $1000
Laura Hewitt, Charleston $1000
Wilbur Prezzano, Charleston $1000
Sheila Prezzano, Charleston $1000
Senate Candidate Katrina Shealy, Lexington
William Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
Ruth Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
John Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Mary Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Chad Walldorf, Sullivans Island $1000
Jena Walldorf, Sullivans Island $1000
Wilbur Prezzano, Charleston $1000
Sheila Prezzano, Charleston $1000
William Hewitt, Charleston $1000
Laura Hewitt, Charleston $1000
SC Club for Growth PAC $1000
House Candidate Tim Scott, N. Charleston
William Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
Ruth Baker, Kiawah Island $1000
John Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Mary Barter, Kiawah Island $1000
Chad Walldorf, Sullivans Island $1000
Bill Hewitt, Charleston $1000
Laura Hewitt, Charleston $1000
Wilbur Prezzano, Charleston $1000
Sheila Prezzano, Charleston $1000
SC Club for Growth LLC $1000
Interesting, right? It reminds me of those little fish that all change directions at once. Except these aren’t little fish, they’re big fish. And the fish are all on land. And it’s actually a little less disorienting to predators, because it's just money. Okay, it's not the best metaphor.
Hot BBQ & Politics connection: here's Chad Walldorf on the Colbert Report talking about how he won the charity auction for Colbert's painting, slated to go into his Sticky Fingers restaurant. Anyone who's willing to shell out $50,000 for a picture of Colbert can be forgiven for heading (and/or mixing up the financial reports of) the SC Club for Growth and Reform SC.
Around Columbia we call this phenomenon the "Mallory Factor."
these peeps give a little, but get a lot.
the state of SC spends a lot of money...and so do Mark Sanford's "nonprofits"...
tim scott is chair of chas. county council, so that one makes sense
Ummm, so first you're against out of state money and now you're against in state money.
More evidence Mark Sanford and his island elites are playing hardball this election.
If they this kind of thing on an early report, what will show up on the last one?
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