Bono lends support to SC unemployment crisis
Below: Bono tackles job creation while
Governor Mark Sanford recounts a fishing trip.JOBS AID concert hopes to raise gubernatorial awareness of unemployment
B & P News – Columbia
Grammy-winning recording artist Bono has pledged to help alleviate South Carolina’s economic suffering by headlining a benefit concert, JOBS AID, next month. According to the U2 frontman, the goal of the benefit is to help draw international attention – and possibly even the attention of the Governor’s Office – to the unemployment crisis in the state.
“I never want to turn my back when there’s a disaster, and South Carolina’s 49th-ranked unemployment certainly qualifies,” said Bono in an exclusive interview with B & P News. “Raising awareness, particularly gubernatorial awareness, is key to solving this crisis.”
In a joint press conference, Governor Mark Sanford praised the singer for his efforts with JOBS AID, but added that South Carolina’s unemployment was due to “people from Michigan moving here” and “not really a crisis, per se.” He said that the state “has to get worse before it gets better” and that South Carolina “reports data differently than other states.”
Sanford continued that the rankings “probably don’t account for small businesses” and that “Airbus would’ve only employed a hundred workers.” He maintained that there is a “lag between jobs being created and announced” and said “let’s hear it for a great year at Commerce!” Sanford concluded his remarks with a short story about a recent fishing trip.
Replied Bono, “This is going to be a lot bloody harder than I thought.”
JOBS AID is scheduled for March 25th on the grounds of the Governor’s Mansion. Tickets are $50.
I think that is the funniest blog I have ever read!! good job
Hey! Where've we been putting all those Michiganers, anyway? I've always wanted to see one...
Great article; as always you brought me a chuckle. Thanks.
Look at those hands...I mean, how convincing is that?
Everybody was Kung Fu fighting, The Gov was fast as lightnin'. In fact it was a little bit frightnin'. But he fought with expert, uh, piglets.
Not Paul
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