Saturday, January 07, 2006

Weekend Re-Hash

Here are the posts from the SC political blogosphere this week that stuck to my ribs:

The Crunchy Republican shares her views on why public education is so important to her:

"We hardly even considered public schools because we had heard … things like 5th graders having babies and fourth graders being "held up" for their Coca-Cola money... Despite the fact that I don't have children enrolled in South Carolina's public schools, I am extremely interested in what happens there…My kids interact with public schooled children often. We go to public parks, churches, malls and other areas where they come in frequent contact with children in public schools."

Yikes! I give my daughter a bath if she comes within ten feet of those wretched lepers. Sometimes, I make her wear public school-kid repellent, too. I’m just joking. This whole distrust of public schools helps explain a lot -- such as why every time Mark Sanford farts, Crunchy hears a Shakespearean sonnet and smells a fresh ocean breeze.

The Teen Republican makes a splash on the scene, and also proves that puberty and politics don't mix, with a list of his favorite and least favorite politicians, from which the following is excerpted:

Worst SC Democrat - Inez Tenenbaum (*cough* Tenenbitch *cough*)
Worst SC Republican - N/A

Welcome aboard, kid. Remember, Mrs. T can change your report card to all F's with one keystroke.

And SC Hotline links to a press release from South Carolinians for Responsible Government, which details their last attempt at relevance, a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against Dorchester Two. SCRG wants to make sure no tax money was used to help defeat their private school tuition tax credit agenda. For a group whose president sends The State phony letters to the editor under a pseudonym, SCRG sure cares a lot about impropriety.

Here's a clue voucher from Gervais, SCRG: It wasn't "Dorchester Two tax dollars on the grassy knoll" that killed Put Parents In Charge -- it was Professor "This-Legislation-Blows"... in the library... with a candlestick.

That's all for now, kids. Have a great weekend!


Thoroughbred 401k said...

I'm not sure what RM's comment has to do with this posting, but thanks for another gem. I know Garrett and he's a good kid - his Dad just needs to make sure to set the Parental Block on his computer.

Ross Shealy said...

Fair enough Crunchy.

I removed "disdain for." I'd be interested to read a post from you about your distrust of public schools. I mean, besides all the fifth grade girls being knocked-up.

earlcapps said...

Gotta watch out for them hordes of knocked up ten and eleven year-old fifth-graders, yessirree. They told me all about "those people" from the city of Columbia, all dark and everything down at the country club.

Geez, she ain't crunchy, she's half-baked.

btw - Anyone tell the raving maniac to lay off the spam?

Anonymous said...

Damn Raving Maniac, I thought this space was for comments, you wrote a darned book son!

I too am a product of SC's public school system, as are my children, but if I can do anything about it (meaning tuition $$$s) my 2 grandkids will be privately schooled. I may have to sell some of my shotguns and decoys on Ebay to get the dollars though. Hmmm....maybe a few years of public school won't do any permanent damage to them! LOL!