Kyle Boyd comes clean: 55% of funds from Howard Rich & Associates
When campaign finance disclosures were due on July 10th, Gervais waited patiently to find out how much money SCRG voucher/tax credit candidate Kyle Boyd got from NYC millionaire Howard Rich and his associates, in his recent loss to GOP Rep. Carl Gullick of
Boyd waited until nine days after the deadline to disclose that he had neither received nor spent any money in the final two weeks of his race.
Nada. Zilch. Zero. No Howard Rich money. Swear to Gosh.
I don't think anyone was really fooled, especially not Vierdsonian Democracy.
Yesterday, Boyd finally came clean with the out-of state cash that made up 55% of his campaign funding for the election.
Of course, all but $2000 was given during the “blind spot,” after pre-election disclosures were due, so voters would have no idea the campaign was being bankrolled from out-of-state.
$1,000 6/02/2008 538-14 Realty LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Joseph D Stilwell, 26 Broadway 23 Floor NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Yvonne Rich,
$1,000 6/02/2008 John Kirtley 339 S Plant Ave,
$1,000 6/02/2008 Rich Acquisitions LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 507 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Secure Data LLC, 73 Spring St
$1,000 6/02/2008 The Stonecreek Group (Kevin Spillane)
$1,000 6/02/2008 Dayrich LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Newrich LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 507 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Rich & Rich LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 507 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008
$1,000 6/02/2008 Howard Rich Sole Proprietor Bayrich LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Rich & Rich & Associates A Partnership, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 4220 Broadway LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 470 W 166 LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 51 First Avenue LLC, 73 Spring St. Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 405 49 Associates, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 118
$1,000 6/02/2008 4220 Broadway Inc., 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 A Partnership 332 E 11 LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 6/02/2008 Alan J Pomerantz,
$1,000 5/23/2008 Douglas Levine,
$1,000 5/22/2008 Spooner LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 5/22/2008 Silver & Silver Properties LLC, 73 Spring St. Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 5/22/2008 Silver & Silver Properties LLC, 73 Spring St Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 5/12/2008 LaSalle Associates, 73 Spring St. Rm 507 NYC
$1,000 5/12/2008 LaSalle Associates, 73 Spring St. Rm 408 NYC
Vouchers are not an end in themselves; they are a means to make a transition from a government to a market system … I sense that we are on the verge of a breakthrough in one state or another, which will then sweep like a wildfire through the rest of the country… ”
- Milton Friedman, Public Schools: Make Them Private (1995)
Re: I sense that we are on the verge of a breakthrough in one state or another, which will then sweep like a wildfire through the rest of the country…
If only that were true. Then we could get beyond all this silliness and actually create an education system that educates children.
You have effectively demonstrated that Rich has done a disservice to the movement to reinvent education by acting like he has something to hide. Be out front with it and let's get on with scrapping the obsolete education system we have and making teachers heroes in reinventing a new system that will give our kids the capabilites they will need over the course of their careers.
We need to put as much energy and passion into how we fund education as you have put into how we fund elections, but education funding has gotten lost in the shuffle to date.
Vierdsonian Democracy sounds like a punk rock band.
This is bothersome. I got the nice slick ads from this group attacking Carl Gullick. Too bad they don't have to report that.
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