Sunday, July 13, 2008

Nanney: 45% from Rich and Associates

House District 22’s next lawmaker filed her post-election campaign finance disclosure on Saturday, and the good news is that 55% of her money came from “South Carolina,” the triangular-shaped state that surrounds the district.

Only 45% came from out-of-state voucher interests.

But, in keeping with SCRG’s modus operandi, most of the money from Howard Rich and his associates was funneled in after the final pre-election disclosure, so voters had no idea.

Wendy Nanney, House District 22 (won)
$1,000 5/29/2008 834-14 Realty, 73 Spring St NYC
$1,000 5/29/2008 Rich and Rich, 73 Spring St NYC
$1,000 5/28/2008 Newrich LLC, 73 Springs St Rm 507 NYC
$1,000 5/28/2008 405 49 Associates, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/28/2008 Kevin Spillane, 2443 Fair Oaks Blvd 191 Sacramento, CA
$1,000 5/28/2008 Dayrich LLC, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 A Partnership, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 Bayrich LLC, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 188 Claremont LLC, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 51 First Ave LLC, 73 Spring St. Rm 408 NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 470 W 166, 73 Spring St Rm. 406 NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 Bradford Mgmt of NY, 73 Spring St NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 123 LaSalle, 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/27/2008 4220 Broadway Inc., 73 Spring St. NYC
$1,000 5/26/2008 Yvonne Rich, 2111 West Rd 1, Mountain Home, AR
$1,000 5/12/2008 Alan Pomerantz, 767 Fifth Ave NYC
$1,000 2/26/2008 John Kirtley, 339 S Plant Ave. Tampa, FL
$1,000 2/13/2008 Joseph Stilwell, 26 Broadway 23rd Fl NYC


Anonymous said...

don't forget to look up Ken Roach, looks like he got around $16,000, he lost to Mike Forrester in a House race up in Spartanburg. Also, it's not showing up yet, but look up Joey Millwood this week, he's the one who defeated Bob Walker. He's going around town bragging that Rich and SC Club for Growth gave/spent aroudn $50,000 to help him out.

Anonymous said...

Don't forget . . . SC BBQ and NEA blogspot is 100% funded by NEA and SCEA. Looking forward to the light shining in on this sham.

Anonymous said...

anonymous 2, please define "sham" as it relates to reporting the truth.

Anonymous said...

NEA and SCEA??? Yeah, because they have so much power in South Carolina. You are ill-informed, sir. If you're SIC Willie, delete the "sir."

Anonymous said...

The funny part is that somebody thinks this blog is funded, period.

Anonymous said...

all this $$$ to improve a bottom dwelling education system? And how is this a bad thing?

Let's pour more $$$ into the failed "reforms" of the last 30 years.

Anon #2 is right. These threads and blogs are fronts for the NEA.