Next week they'll have "two gazillion"
'The imagination is the limit'It seems as if SCRG just keeps growing and growing…
From The State, 5/11/06 (“Tax credit group on notice,” Aaron Gould Sheinin):
“It’s laughable. If (Cotty) wants to claim that our 2,000 grass-roots supporters are not South Carolinians, that’s his right. But I think they will take great offense at that.”And from The Greenville News, 5/20/06 (“Free speech trumps [our out-of-state funding],” Dennis Sinned):
Merrill declined, however, to provide a list of supporters.
Randy Page serves as president of South Carolinians for Responsible Government, a statewide grassroots organization of over 200,000 citizens, who support limited government, lower taxes and increased educational options.2,000 - no, wait! - 200,000 citizens? Isn’t that like 5% of the state? If SCRG keeps multiplying like this, they're gonna put their fictitious "grass roots" letter-to-the-editor writers and non-fictitious out-of-state bankrollers out of business.
Gervais says, get real. It's bad enough to show no regard for state ethics laws, but for goodness sake, show a little respect for reality.
But Gervais, they don't live in the "reality based community". You can't very well expect them to be considerate to those of us who do.
You left out a very important quote.
"Randy Page serves as president of SCRG, a statewide grassroots organization of over 200,000 citizens ...... -----Live From New York, It's Saturday Night!"
It is actually more than 200,000 citizens across SC that are in favor of giving parents more choices. Denver Merrill made a mistake in his quote. Maybe he was educated in SC public schools too.
Since one of SC's health issues is obesity, obviously the 2,000 SCRG members must weigh as much as 200,000 normal sized citizens of say Michigan for instance. (Knowing of course you can never be too thin or too rich.)
Not that you're really concerned about the truth...but maybe you should call Aaron Gould Sheinin and find out if it was a misprint.
Also, Dennis Sinned was not Randy Page. Get your stuff halfway straight.
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